The Puli is a small-medium-sized dog originating in Hungary, where it was bred to herd and guard livestock.
It is known for its distinctive long, corded coat and is similar in appearance to the Komondor, although much smaller. Pulis have a strong, compact frame and can move with speed and agility. Their striking coat is made up of long thick mop-like cords, resembling dreadlocks, and historically protected it from wolves when guarding livestock. They are intelligent and loyal dogs which form close bonds with their owners. They make very good guard dogs, being naturally protective over their owners and territory, and distrustful of strangers. However, they are also affectionate with their family, including children and pets which are part of their household. The Puli is also a highly active and playful dog, retaining much puppy-like behaviour for its entire life and enjoys lots of outdoor exercise and space to run. Pulis can also be strong-willed and obstinate, and this combined with their strong guarding instincts make them better suited to experienced owners. They require very good obedience training and early socialisation, to prevent unwanted and aggressive behaviour from developing. Given the right environment, care and owner, this breed can be a loving and devoted dog.
The Puli is a long-established dog breed developed in Hungary to guard livestock. It typically worked alongside the much larger, Komondor dog to guard livestock, alerting the Komondor to intruders. The coat of both breeds would protect them from the bite of wolves.