The Maremma Sheepdog, or Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog, is a large breed of dog originating from the Maremma region of Tuscany and Lazio in Italy where it was developed to guard sheep against wolves.
They are typically described as gentle giants, due to their impressive size and placid nature. They are similar in appearance to the Pyrenean Mountain Dog and the Kuvasz of Hungary and are solid muscular dogs with a thick white coat which is more profuse around the neck, a large head, black nose and fluffy tail. These attractive white dogs are known to be a friendly and even-tempered breed, which is loving and gentle with their human family. They get along well with other dogs and household pets, although their strong protective instincts may make them a bit aloof around strangers. Early socialisation is important with this breed to ensure they are well-rounded and do not become overly protective and too dominant. The Maremma is a highly intelligent dog which requires plenty of daily exercise. As an intelligent breed, they also require plenty of mental stimulation to prevent problem behaviour arising from boredom. These dogs are friendly and even-tempered and make a wonderful to the active family household.
The exact origins of the Maremma Sheepdog are unknown, although white sheepdogs of this type have existed since ancient Roman times and were mentioned by the Roman writer Varo in 100BC. The breed was used for centuries by Italian shepherds to guard sheep against wolves and is still used today as a sheepdog in Northern Italy. The breed is thought to share some of its heritage with other mountain breeds including the Kuvasz, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, and the Polish Tatra Sheepdog.