The Catalan Sheepdog is a medium-sized dog, bred to herd and look after flocks of sheep in the Catalan regions of Spain.
They are hardy, well-balanced dogs with a medium-length coat of rough harsh hair, which can be straight or slightly wavy. They have soft expressive eyes, long ears and a shaggy beard. Catalan Sheepdogs are loyal and loving family companions, which will get on with the whole family. Their herding and guarding instincts make them watchful of strangers, which may come across as aloof but they are invariably just weighing up the situation up, and once they are satisfied that all is good, they will soon exhibit their friendly ways. Catalans are responsive and easy to train and will excel at dog agility and herding activities. They need plenty of exercise and good early socialisation, which will bring out their best, making them well-rounded family companions.
The Catalan Sheepdog originated in the northeast of Spain as a sheepdog in the Spanish Pyrenees. Its versatility has seen it used as a herder of livestock, guarder of farms and even as a messenger during the Spanish Civil War. The Catalan Sheepdog is likely to share the same heritage as the Briard, Pyrenean Sheepdog and the Beauceron.